Marks on the Wall

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Turn the dos and don’ts of religions into
–signposts of growth
–pathways to freedom and
–expressions of love

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Marks on the Wall understands that
Christianity Would Be Great
Without the Rules and Rituals

Most of us are tired of the rules and rituals of religion. But those who love Jesus want to follow the scripture. How do we reconcile the too?

Too many good people want to focus on the commandments and mandates. The phrase, “They wouldn’t do that if they were a Christian,” has become a too familiar catch-all that’s misleading at best and a lie at most.

Author Lynne Modranski struggled with the two sides of Christianity for years. At seventeen, she abandoned the rules—not to the point of becoming a criminal, addict, or uncaring human. But as a live in the moment kind of person, Heaven seemed too far away to motivate me to obedience. Additionally, at the time, she didn’t know enough scripture to understand the difference between human regulations and God’s loving protection.

The consequences of straying off the path hit her quickly. Within a year, she  faced pregnancy, teen marriage, and a life of poverty. She knew she wanted relationship, but the rules seemed pretty important.

What if all the commandments and statutes are merely Marks on the Wall–signs of growth in the faith? What if you could turn the dos and dont’s into
–signposts of growth
–pathways to freedom and
–expressions of love

When Lynne began to see her faith as a maturing process rather than a religion, everything changed. The push to follow the rules turned into a drive to become her best self possible.Fortunately, the Christian life is more than rules and a list of dos and don’ts; it’s an adventure of freedom and joy, a journey of growth as we make marks on our wall.

Understanding the truth of all those mandates can give us peace and joy beyond measure. Discover how to start making your own Marks on the Wall starting today.

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About the author

Lynne feels blessed to know Jesus Christ. He's her Savior and her friend, and because of Christ her life is richer. So her passion has become to help others discover their full potential in Jesus so they can have the best life possible!

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