How do I explain the Trinity?
The Trinity can be a complicated concept. So let's try to explain it a bit better.
The Trinity can be a complicated concept. So let's try to explain it a bit better.
Are you afraid you'll be called on to teach the kids? Here are some helpful tips!
Proverbs 31 says I'm worth more than rubies, but most of the time I barely feel like a plug nickel.
What do you do on your children's days off? Are you ready to lead them to Christ?
Becoming a hoarder is easy. But what if it's deadly?
God may have no gender, but stripping away His titles robs folks of Freedom.
People say Children grow like bad weeds, but should we use that phrase?
Are you growing or dying?
Do we limit God with the words we use?
I like to think I can help someone find Christ, but the truth is I am weak.