Can You Pass the Test?
Hezekiah found himself in the middle of a couple of tests. The first he failed, but what about the second?
Hezekiah found himself in the middle of a couple of tests. The first he failed, but what about the second?
What are you most proud of right now? Is it what God is proud of?
Until we're redeemed we're worthless. Our Redeemer makes us valuable. He reveals our true worth.
God can do mighty acts. He has and He will continue to. But fortunately, He also does those things we think are less than mighty.
Jesus' disciples interrupted His final message to them. Do we do the same?
God deserves our praise, but how often in our busyness do we forget?
He who forms the mountains,     who creates the wind,     and who reveals his thoughts to mankind, who turns dawn to darkness,     and treads on the heights of the earth     the…