
COVID-19 Update

I got another e-mail from a company telling me what their doing about the Corona Virus. The business deals strictly with online stuff. For all I know they’re like me and work out of their living room. But they felt the need to tell me what they’re doing about the virus.

Every company sends them or has put out a statement. So I figured I should too. Here’s what I’m doing:

1 I’m staying calm
I’m fortunate to live in the part of the U.S. with no cases in my county (or even four of the five neighboring counties.) But no matter how close it gets, I refuse to live in fear.

2 I’m washing my hands
OK, so I did that before, too! But I do use the hand sanitizer a little more often when I’ve just touched something a stranger may have touched last.

3 I’m Praying
I really think this is our number one defense against this virus. I’m praying for my parents and my family, for those in my church and my friends. I’m asking God to stop it like he stopped the epidemic in 2 Samuel 24. I hope you’ll join me in that prayer

4 I’m Reading Scripture
I always read every day. I try to get through the entire Bible every year. Some years I make it, some I don’t because I never want it to be about speed reading scripture, I want to plant the Word of God in my heart

5 I’m Writing
I’m almost finished of creating a new Curriculum for kids based on the life of Joseph. Plus a new devotion book should be ready to be released July 1. Additionally, for Lent I’m writing reflections on Romans 8. I think I’ll release it in time for Lent 2021 (you’re one of the first to know about that!)

We can be careful without being fearful. We can prepare without hoarding.

For God did not give us a Spirit of fear but of power and love and self-control.

2 Timothy 1:7

About the author

Lynne feels blessed to know Jesus Christ. He's her Savior and her friend, and because of Christ her life is richer. So her passion has become to help others discover their full potential in Jesus so they can have the best life possible!

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