Raising Up a Generation of Praisers
By helping my children and grandchildren understand the wonderful acts of God, I hope I’ve helped them develop hearts that seek God.
Devotions written especially to inspire mothers
By helping my children and grandchildren understand the wonderful acts of God, I hope I’ve helped them develop hearts that seek God.
Indispensable, Overwhelmed, Burnt Out. What's the cure?
Today, I share my favorite Bible Verse and I ask for yours!
Even the most grateful get caught up in the "I want" movement
Vacations and Sabbaths . . . we need them!
Originally written for snowed in moms, this will encourage you during quarantine.
It's hard for moms to be still. Even when we stop our mind races.
Too many think "Fear of the Lord" means cowering and trembling, but what if that's not it?
Many years ago I kept journals as a young mom. This is the first of devotions inspired by that young mom.